Captain Orange Storytelling is an entertainment company led by a one-man-show. Mike Diakuw has been telling stories to children and adults for over 25 years as a storyteller, performer, actor, and puppeteer.

Mike has a special love of creating story-times for children using a blend of traditional stories, picture books, and puppets! To see potential Story-telling packages, go to the Offerings page.

What’s New?

Currently Singing:

Currently Reading:

Last Summer:

The adults laugh just as hard as the kids
Feels like your favourite Saturday morning cartoon
  • Daycare Centres

    Excellent selection of books read with incredible energy and blended together with songs, puppetry and more.

  • Puppetry

    Whether they are fabric, paper, or shadows, Mike loves to create puppets and perform with others. If you like puppet shows (or want to make puppets yourself!) check out the Offerings page.

  • Storytimes and Birthdays

    Do you want a customized story time experience with books, puppets, songs, and activities? Check out the Captain Orange Storytime packages.

  • Videos and More

    Captain Orange also records videos of story times and performances so you can enjoy from home. Check out his YouTube page to learn more.